Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Seven Components of Great Health - No. 2: Spirulina and Chlorella

Component 2: Introduce Spirulina and Chlorella to your diet

The most powerful foods on earth are Spirulina Pacifica and Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. They compliment one another in many ways because they are completely different foods with different nutrients. Spirulina is an extremely pure food, 95% digestible, extremely high in the Vitamin B-complex, iron, calcium and essential fatty acids such as Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is excellent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis or bursitis. Spirulina is an excellent food to consume before a workout because of the explosive energy it provides to the body.

Chlorella has incredible anti-cancer properties. Its unique fiber is great for the digestion, as well as heavy metal and synthetic toxin removal. It has large amounts of nucleic acids (RNA/DNA), which, along with amino acids (protein), are the building blocks of our cells. Chlorella can even be used topically on cuts, scrapes, infections, even serious wounds, as can Spirulina.

The second step in Achieving Great Health is to add these superfoods to your diet. Start slowly, gradually increasing them until you reach a dosage of at least eight grams of each daily. (See Appendix: Spirulina, Chlorella & Water Dosages.) You can never consume too much Spirulina and Chlorella as long as they are raw and their enzymes are intact. As you increase your dosage, gradually reduce your intake of protein from traditional sources, such as meat fish, eggs, soy and dairy products. Algae is best consumed with each meal because of its high protein content, the highest percentage of any foods known with 18 different amino acids that are in the proper ratio to one another. Protein must be consumed with everything you eat for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Most vegetarians lack sufficient protein in their diet.

Great Health will be nearly impossible to achieve without these two powerful whole foods at the center of your diet.

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