Thursday, May 7, 2009

Seven Components of Great Health - No. 4: Angstrom Minerals

Component 4: Introduce Angstrom Minerals to Your Diet
Minerals are among the most important nutrients required by the body. They are directly and indirectly involved in every bodily process. Along with amino acids (protein), minerals are the basic building blocks of every cell in the body. Most of the physiological processes of the human body cannot occur without the presence of minerals. Nucleic Acids (RNA/DNA), which are the blueprints to each cell, do not function properly without certain minerals. Amino acids cannot be created then formed into proteins, nor can they be absorbed and used by the body without minerals. The same is true for vitamins. While you may be consuming adequate amounts of vitamins, their effectiveness is diminished without the presence of the specific minerals the body requires. Enzymes will not form nor function properly without the minerals they require to do so. Minerals are the keys that allow the engine of our health to start. Without them, bodily processes and functions are greatly diminished.

Bismuth: Digestive Problems. Antibacterial. Lyme disease.
Boron: Nervous System. Hormonal balance.
Calcium: Bone health. Nervous System. Regulates blood pressure.
Chromium: Regulates blood sugar and insulin. Weight management.
Cobalt: B Vitamin formation. Blood cell formation. Nervous System.
Copper: Premature gray, restores natural hair color. Iron metabolism.
Germanium: Arthritis. Increases oxygen in the body. Digestive.
Gold: Regulates sleep patterns. Brain function. Nucleic acid formation.
Indium: Anti-aging. Maintains hormone function (pituitary and hypothalamus).
Iodine: Thyroid function. Hair, skin, teeth and nail health.
Iron: Anemia and fatigue. Red blood cell formation. Tissue oxygenation.
Lanthanum: Tooth maintenance.
Lithium: Depression. Regulates serotonin levels.
Magnesium: Heart maintenance. Fatigue. Depression and senility. Bone and tooth maintenance.
Manganese: Adrenal glands and brain. Blood oxygenation. Memory.
Molybdenum: Detoxification. Youthfulness. Anemia.
Palladium: Prostate health.
Platinum: Protects and energizes DNA. Immune and brain function.
Potassium: Heart maintenance. Muscle, brain, and nerve health. High blood pressure.
Selenium: Antioxidant. Immune maintenance. Cadmium and mercury detoxification. Thyroid metabolism.
Silicon: Bodily Flexibility. Bone growth. Kidney stones, bladder and liver maintenance. Sleep regulation.
Silver: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Lyme Disease.
Sodium: Bodily fluid and acid-base balance. HCL production. Cramps. Heat stroke nerves.
Sulfur: Skin, nails, hair, liver, and pancreas maintenance. Vitamin and enzyme creation. Reproduction.
Tin: Hair loss. Hearing loss.
Vanadium: Blood sugar. Inhibits cholesterol accumulation. Pancreas maintenance.
Zinc: Wound healing. Digestion and metabolism maintenance. Skin issues. Bad breath. Bone and teeth formation.

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