Monday, May 4, 2009

Seven Components of Great Health - No. 1: Water

Component 1: Start drinking ionized water consistently

You need to hydrate your body because there is nothing more important regarding human health than a properly hydrated body, which translates into sufficiently hydrated cells throughout the body. If the body’s cells are not healthy, we cannot be healthy. Cellular health equals human health.

Ionized Water has four qualities that are perfect for the body’s health: Antioxidant, Alkalinity, Hydration and Detoxification. Start slowly and increase the potency of the Ionized Water you consume until you are drinking 1.5 – 2 gallons per day. Drink it all day except around mealtime. An extra trip or two to the bathroom is an extraordinarily cheap price to pay for your most precious possession: your health. You are the only person who can consume enough water to start on the road back to the health you were born with, that which God intended you to have, not the body you have transformed it into from a lifetime of eating primarily dead foods that are acidic, dehydrating and void of any rejuvenating properties.

Hydration is the first step toward reversing chronic illnesses and strengthening the immune system. It is our first defense against disease and the very keystone of human health.

There is a certain calm and stillness that only water offers. It is impossible to sit by tranquil waters and not feel at peace. Herman Melville mused that “Meditation and water are wedded for ever.” He could not have been more right. We came from the sea.

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