Saturday, April 11, 2009

When we stop to consider which is the greater temple, a community church or our body, it is easy to recognize that our body is a glorious work of God and a church is a simple man-made structure. The human body is comprised of an average of 90 trillion cells. We must be humble and know that science still understands little about God’s miraculous creation called the human body. It is arrogant, boastful or perhaps naive to think that we will ever know all there is to know about it. Every bodily system, organ and cell exists to perform a specific task. The more we learn about the human body and how it functions, the more we are awed by its complexity, functionality and cellular interdependence. It was once thought that each cell in the body operated independently from one another, but in recent years researchers have discovered that cells are constantly communicating with one another throughout the body and the breakdown of that communication is one of the first signs of disease. The more we study the enormously intricate mechanisms of the human body, the most complex organism known, the clearer it becomes that only divine involvement could have possibly created it because it becomes evermore evident that it is the result of a design and not that of random chance. And where there is a design, there must be a designer.

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