Saturday, April 25, 2009

The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Part 1

I have found it useful to stop thinking about meals in the rigid way we traditionally regard them. We are conditioned to build our day around three meals when instead we should only eat when we are hungry. Your body will crave cooked foods less and less when it is provided with raw nutrients at a cellular level. The constant companion of hunger will leave you. We do not need the three meals we are accustomed to, rather, that is programmed into us, which is a central component of the obesity problem today. We look at a clock to know if it’s time to eat instead of our stomachs.

We need to break our pattern and start thinking outside the norms we are accustomed to when it comes to food. When we eat only when we are hungry, we begin to view food as a supply of nutrients we require to be healthy, not as something we need to do at a certain time of the day so our stomachs are always full.

An easy way to begin is by increasing the percentage of raw foods in your diet while shrinking the size of the cooked foods you consume. The concept is simple. Begin the process with breakfast and carry that sentiment throughout the day. Start by adding a banana or apple to your cereal, for instance. Increase the portion of fruit in the cereal each day without increasing how much you eat; this means that the milk and cereal portion will decrease. Within a short time, you will have transitioned to an all fruit breakfast. If it is complemented with 4 -- 6 grams of Spirulina and Chlorella, you will be meeting all your basic nutritional needs and then some. Your mornings will be full of energy when you eat this way. (to be continued . . . )

From: Achieving Great Health

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