Monday, April 27, 2009

The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Part 2

Another approach is to start eating a salad with each meal. Increase the size of the salad you have each day by 2% and shrink the amount of cooked foods you eat by a corresponding amount. Following through with this will leave you a 100% raw foodist in less than 50 days.

Another transition is to introduce dehydrated foods to your diet, foods that have had the moisture removed from them. They can be made into incredible raw food dishes such as sprouted bread, pizza, caramel apples, potato chips and many others, all of them raw and healthy. While dehydrated foods are not as healthy as fresh raw foods, they are the next best thing. They are an excellent transition food, but ultimately our goal is to consume 100% fresh raw foods. The closer you get to that goal, the healthier you will be. (to be continued . . .)

From: Achieving Great Health

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