Thursday, April 30, 2009
The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Pt 4
Juicing is another side door to the raw food lifestyle. Juicing is a world unto itself. The human body is essentially a juicer in the sense that it is the juice from plants that contains the nutrients that the body must extract. Anyone seeking to truly obtain Great Health must include juicing as part of their daily protocol. There are many types of juicers. Most separate the juice from the fiber, a valuable and necessary part of the food. Other juicers grind up the entire food, including the fiber. These are preferable. (to be continued . . . )
From: Achieving Great Health
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Pt 3
This monumental task that you have placed before yourself of changing a lifelong belief system must be done first in baby-steps that become bigger steps that turn in to leaps as your body cries louder each day for raw foods. Your reward will be perfect health and a disease free body when the transition is complete. Your body will punish you when you sometimes stray and revert to your old deadly cooked-food ways. It is tough love because your body knows what is right. The more you consume raw foods, the more traumatic this punishment becomes as you realize once and for all what poison cooked foods really are.
Another important step we can make is to begin moving away from pre-packaged processed foods to fresh cooked foods. It helps bring us out of the repetitious habit of our daily lives that shackles us to the cooked world. It is merely habit to come home tired and look for something easy to prepare for dinner. There is nothing easier than something that is already prepared and simply needs to be heated. Of course the ultimate fast food is a raw food because it is immediately ready to eat at any time. (to be continued . . . )
From: Achieving Great Health
Monday, April 27, 2009
The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Part 2
Another transition is to introduce dehydrated foods to your diet, foods that have had the moisture removed from them. They can be made into incredible raw food dishes such as sprouted bread, pizza, caramel apples, potato chips and many others, all of them raw and healthy. While dehydrated foods are not as healthy as fresh raw foods, they are the next best thing. They are an excellent transition food, but ultimately our goal is to consume 100% fresh raw foods. The closer you get to that goal, the healthier you will be. (to be continued . . .)
From: Achieving Great Health
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The First Steps toward Becoming a Raw Foodist - Part 1
We need to break our pattern and start thinking outside the norms we are accustomed to when it comes to food. When we eat only when we are hungry, we begin to view food as a supply of nutrients we require to be healthy, not as something we need to do at a certain time of the day so our stomachs are always full.
An easy way to begin is by increasing the percentage of raw foods in your diet while shrinking the size of the cooked foods you consume. The concept is simple. Begin the process with breakfast and carry that sentiment throughout the day. Start by adding a banana or apple to your cereal, for instance. Increase the portion of fruit in the cereal each day without increasing how much you eat; this means that the milk and cereal portion will decrease. Within a short time, you will have transitioned to an all fruit breakfast. If it is complemented with 4 -- 6 grams of Spirulina and Chlorella, you will be meeting all your basic nutritional needs and then some. Your mornings will be full of energy when you eat this way. (to be continued . . . )
From: Achieving Great Health
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health - pt 6 (Final)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health - pt 5
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health - Pt. 4
Monday, April 20, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health - Pt. 3
Over the last six years I have learned that the body can cure itself of any disease. Therefore, if you are sick, it is because you allow yourself to remain sick. It is not the foods we eat, but rather what the body does with the nutrients from those foods that it uses to heal itself. The source of all disease comes from our diet.
I am the author of three books on health. My first book, Confessions of a Body Builder, is the only book explaining ionized water for the layman. The second one, Achieving Great Health in 90 Days or Less, first published in 2005 outlines my entire health protocol. My most recent book, The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water was published in 2006. It is the only book written exclusively on the topic of Ionized Water. (to be continuted . . . )
Friday, April 17, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health - 2
Around that same time I was introduced to Ionized Water. See my article on Ionized Water. I immediately realized that here was one of the most incredible things I had ever seen in my life. There is nothing more important for the body than water and there is no better water than Ionized Water. No other water even comes close. The first line of defense against disease is a properly hydrated body. Learning that and discovering Ionized Water are the best lessons I have ever learned about health. (to be continued . . . )
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bob McCauley's Story of Great Health
Back then, I was a lacto-vegetarian. I consumed dairy products, but no meat at all. Even though I'd lived on a meatless diet for 12 years, I had acidified my body and laid myself wide-open to disease. I was in my thirties and wondered how I could have lived without meat for so long and still get sick. I got at least one cold or flu annually. One year, I had a chronic cough that lasted six weeks and I was never so miserable in my life. I knew something was still missing in my health picture, but I didn't know what it was. I learned later that the foods I was eating were killing me because they were not raw. (to be continued . . . )
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Enzymes and Raw Foods
Bob McCauley -
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Herbal Diuretics
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Importance of Minerals
Saturday, April 11, 2009
When we stop to consider which is the greater temple, a community church or our body, it is easy to recognize that our body is a glorious work of God and a church is a simple man-made structure. The human body is comprised of an average of 90 trillion cells. We must be humble and know that science still understands little about God’s miraculous creation called the human body. It is arrogant, boastful or perhaps naive to think that we will ever know all there is to know about it. Every bodily system, organ and cell exists to perform a specific task. The more we learn about the human body and how it functions, the more we are awed by its complexity, functionality and cellular interdependence. It was once thought that each cell in the body operated independently from one another, but in recent years researchers have discovered that cells are constantly communicating with one another throughout the body and the breakdown of that communication is one of the first signs of disease. The more we study the enormously intricate mechanisms of the human body, the most complex organism known, the clearer it becomes that only divine involvement could have possibly created it because it becomes evermore evident that it is the result of a design and not that of random chance. And where there is a design, there must be a designer., April 9, 2009
Ionized Water
I start each day with a 16 oz. glass of Ionized Water, fresh out of the tap at a pH 9.5 – 9.9. Considering that we spend 6 – 8 hours each night sleeping, the first thing we should do upon waking in the morning is drink a big glass of water. After my first glass of Ionized Water, I draw another and drink it over the next 30 – 40 minutes. Therefore, each day I consume one liter of water before I put anything else in my body.
Spirulina and Chlorella
I take both Spirulina and Chlorella in tablet form for convenience. Neither of them tastes good, although some people don’t mind them. They are not culinary delicacies, but rather the most powerful foods in the world. It’s easy to grab a handful of tablets and pop them down either with a meal or when I’m feeling a little tired. They are the ultimate “fast health food”.