The vote took place on July 31, 2009. This vote was very secretive and only was announced at the last minute. Isn't it great that our legislators in Washington suprise us with major legislation at the last minute for a Suspension of the Rules. It makes me sick. Especially when legislators vote in favor of something that you trust they won't because they say they won't.
H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act failed to garner the necessary 2/3s vote of members voting and present in favor of the bill,which is required when legislation is brought to the House floor for a vote under the Suspension of the Rules. See if your congressman voted for it. Supporters are below. My congressman, Mike Rogers (R - Michigan), voted for it. He is suppose to be a conservative against the expansion of government. That is what he "appears" to be, but obviously he is not. Anyone who read this bill would know about what a huge power grab it is by the FDA. The bill is sponsored by left-wing democrats who want apparently want the government in control of everything, including our food supply. Give it time, they will re-introduce it.
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